The Adventures of Jake CD

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"Our whole family loves Jake. Even Grandpa!" Fans the world over are enjoying The Adventures of Jake, an entertaining 75-minute CD based on Phil's 6-Book Jake series that teaches life principles in a way that is life-changing and hilarious. One mother writes, "My son has all 75 minutes memorized. He won't go to sleep without this CD playing." Your child will learn about fear and the power of prayer in Jake and the Scrambled Snake, and discover the best medicine for bullies in Jake and the Knuckle Sandwich. Rediscover friendship and teamwork in The Slippery Bank Robbers, honesty in The Big Hairy Lie, trust in The Super Scary Sleepover, and the hope of the coming of Jesus in The Christmas Surprise. Though written for children ages 7-11, olderkids have been caught listening too! And now you can get THE ADVENTURES OF JAKE 2! These make a great gift for a child or grandchild. Order the CD or click on a cover below to order a Kindle ebook.

The Adventures of Jake CD (CAD)

The Adventures of Jake CD (USD)