It's Always Darkest Before the Fridge Door Opens


Has your sense of humor dried up like a month-old carrot in the crisper drawer? Well, here’s a spritz of good humor, honest reflection and biblically sound advice about where to go with the things that can sour your day—people, traffic, e-mail, alarm clocks, vacations and . . . you fill in the blank. Yes, it’s a busy, trouble-filled world, but the authors contend that God's plans for His people includes joy in the midst of it all. With their legendary humor, Phil and Martha address the joy thieves and what you can do to lock them up. You'll discover creative ways to deal with telemarketers, ingenious blessings for those who curse you, and scientific proof that M&Ms are good for you. Before you know it, your sides will hurt…and you'll be grateful! (Already a Crossings Book Club selection.) 

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